Writer Available

Need a cost effective writer that haunts your mind to enjoyment, to deep thoughts, to understanding? Contact mindfularticles at protonmail .com There is beauty in creating something that did not exist before. Thus, like a different thought, words written in shades of different tones that invite the awakening of understanding, wisdom, and imagination.  There is ..
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Protocol For Friendly and Unfriendly Co-Workers

Do not discuss anything personal with your co-workers, especially about your income, home life and personal beliefs (religion, politics, etc.) It is okay to discuss general things, such as current events. You will see that when disputes arise your co-workers are not your friends. When you are working with your co-workers be aloof and cautious; ..
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Articles For Advanced Thinkers

Articles For Advanced Thinkers

Are You Telling Little White Lies Selling This Is What Happens

Unfortunately the real meaning of truth is not plainly understood by most of us. The real meaning of truth is its exact correspondence with reality. The opposite effect happens when people develop the bad habit of telling little white lies all the time. If you travel this road you will find it difficult to ever ..
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Finding Your True Vocation

Children by the millions start their life’s path with no certain destination. Take a small toy engine, wind it up and see it run without a track and it smashes into anything that crosses its path. Most people, early in life start out on life’s journey aimlessly without the right goal. These sleepwalking people never ..
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Do You Know How To Dress and Look For Success

I talked about the customer’s body language but what about your body language. Are you doing your very best to look sharp? If you are going to control the sale or want to be the top producer, you better look the part. You want your customers to see you in shined shoes, neat shirt and ..
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Have Financial Security Or Become A Security Guard In Old Age

Now, there is a reason why the “simply observe and learn from them,” “think it and become it” and “read about them, learn from them and do what they did,” doesn’t work as claimed…Save your money. Many people want to grow and be more successful…and success means different things to different people. To attain a ..
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How To Avoid Merchandise Returns

The norm is to close the sale as quickly as possible and get your customer in and out so you can go on to the next sale. When you sell a product that is not a gift for someone other than the buyer and the product is in electronic or gadget category, take an extra ..
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Making Habits In A New Job When ENVIRONMENT Is Stronger Than Willpower

Habits shape your future success. When you make a habit you are burning a groove like on a CD-recordable in the computer of your subconscious mind. For instance, when you start a new job and you have not yet developed good working habits, you just watch your co-workers and do what they do. Taking hour ..
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Attraction and Repulsion. Have You Turned Off Any Clients Or Customers

How good is your charisma and body language when you meet or greet people? Attraction and repulsion is a universal law that governs our whole universe. When you meet a new person you can be instantly turned off or repulsed by them. It is much better there is more of an attraction when you greet ..
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The Real Danger In Trying To Upgrade Your Clients Or Customers

Upgrading causes indecision, period. But you should always do it when you can. Here is an example. A customer comes into your business and very quickly you greet the customer and realize that he came into the establishment to buy. If you’re working in a retail store “give me three of these cameras,” he says. ..
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Handling and Answering Objections Are You A Pro

This is what you have to learn. Keep it simple, know product knowledge and your competitor’s product knowledge. For example if you’re working in a retail store all customers want to know the same thing: Does it work?Is it the best available?Can I get it cheaper someplace else?Should I wait for a newer version to ..
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When Selling Keep It Simple Using Layman’s Terms

While making your presentation, say just enough to open and close the sale. Always use layman’s terms when answering questions as customers are not interested in bits and bytes or fancy technical answers to buying questions. Talking too much causes indecision, and when you start wasting clients time they will start looking at their watch ..
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How To Connect With Your Customers

In sales one on one there is not always time to read a customer’s personality type when a new customer walks into your business. Knowing personality types can be very useful but not at first. The most vital trait of a top salesperson is the ability to connect with people emotionally. To do this, the ..
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What Is The Danger Of Greeting A Client Or Customer To Fast Are you supposed to play it cool? Greeting a customer too fast will cause some customers to automatically respond by saying, “I am just looking.” What this is in reality is a stall tactic. Customers do not like to be jumped on when ..
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You should never hesitate to greet customers when they walk in your business. It does not matter what they look like, what they are wearing or what their body language is. It only takes a second or two of hesitating to lose a sale to someone else who is quicker than you in their approach ..
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Being Intimidated By A Customer and HESITATING

Some insecure men shrink when they see a beautiful woman walk in; hesitating as though they were going to be rejected as if they were asking for a date. Do not give away your sales because of race or color thinking your co-worker should get the sale because they speak the same language or are ..
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Selling After Closing Every Sale For Retail Commission  Sellers

During the process of ringing up your sales remind your customers about other products they may have overlooked or other items to add on. You just keep on selling until they are ready to leave unless you want to get rid of them. If you have a cashier ringing up your sales make sure he ..
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When To Close A Sale

When you are just beginning your sales career, follow these instructions. When the customer or client decides to buy a product and says, “I will take it” stop talking right there. Customers can change their mind if you try to over sell and buyers remorse can set in. If you work in retail and the ..
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TIME MANAGEMENT For Commissioned Sales People

Once you have developed the right kind of habits in managing how you spend your time during the day will help determine how many sales you make. First, you must know what you are not supposed to do on the sales floor. You may notice your co-workers standing around together talking and joking with nothing ..
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Good Habits For Successful Selling

Good habits are the treasure troves that will bring permanent happiness. Habits are essential but we abuse their power. If you teach a parrot to talk and sing, it will duplicate what it hears over and over. If you teach it to use bad language, it will repeat profanities again and again upsetting you and ..
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Bad Habits In Selling

Bad habits are like chunks of glass that look like precious stones, but will give disillusionment and dissatisfaction. Achievement is quickened or prolonged by your habits. I am talking about your daily mental habits that have sphere of influence over your daily life. These habits are like glue that attaches everything to it in your ..
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Are You Asking The Wrong Questions At Work

When you know a persons personality you will be able to communicate with them on a different level. You want a person to respond positively to your presentation and questions because if you ask the wrong question it is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. The right question will get a ..
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Controlling The Sale

Caution, this technique is not for beginners. As you become more proficient at being convincing, the next step is turning your technique around and treat some of your customers like children. How do you know how and  when to do this? It is simple. When customers are under control or hypnotized by your charisma, you ..
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It’s A Mistake Not To Buy Now Close

When you use this close you are not making your customer feel guilty you are making him think carefully. For example, when you are trying to sell an air filter and you found out that the customer’s child has asthma and his wife has bad allergies. Tell your customer that it is mistake not to ..
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How Do You Handle Shoppers When They Are On A Cell Phone Or Mobil Device

When every third or fourth customer walks into your business using a cell phone, what is the best approach to net that customer and get the sale? First, you have to know if they are real buyers conducting business on the go or consumers using their smartphones to shop. Or maybe they just walked into ..
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The Art of Closing Without Closing

Managers of every company will tell you to always ask for the sale. Convince your customer to say, “I will take it” and he has closed the sale. This translates into less buyer’s remorse and less returns. Too much high pressure causes a higher return rate. How do you do that? Of course you do ..
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Asking for the sale is a good time management tool when you ask for it at the proper time. Most sales people have a small fear of rejection asking for the sale but in doing so at the proper time give you other options besides saving you time. Always ask for the sale when you ..
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Asking For The Sale

The Buying Signs To Look For When Selling When customers are ready to buy, you should be aware of their body language and vocal signals. When you notice these signals you close the sale at once. Some of the vocal signs are: Do you have it in stock? Are there any other colors available? Do ..
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Training Your Customers

Whether you work on commission or not your customers must be trained if you don’t own your own business. Good customers and clients should be trained to only come into the business when you are there. At the closing of each sale, you start off by repeating your days off and never to come in ..
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When your customers tell you that they have to run it by their other-half or their significant other, they are either not sold because of price or they are slow at making decisions. At this point if there are other customers available, let them go and fast, if not you and you feel potential, you ..
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What Customers Fear Most

You do not have to scratch your head and try to figure out what creates fear in buyers. Let me just mention some of the obvious and what is based upon past experiences, and here are some of them: buyer’s remorse, getting themselves into debt, being a compulsive buyer and having a hard time to ..
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Aggressive and Pushy In Selling

If you are pushy or overly aggressive you have bad habits that have to be fixed. The conscious and subconscious minds are the ones that bind you and are the enemy. This is where all bad habits are stored and these very bad habits magnetically sprung up from the subconscious mind and are from your ..
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How Convincing Are You To Make Sizeable Sales

The most successful sales person is the most convincing salesperson. How can an average person do this? How do you close a sale within minutes or even seconds? Will learning different sales closes do it? What about going to sales seminars, or learning communication skills, body language and personality types? Will learning all these make ..
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