Good habits are the treasure troves that will bring permanent happiness. Habits are essential but we abuse their power. If you teach a parrot to talk and sing, it will duplicate what it hears over and over. If you teach it to use bad language, it will repeat profanities again and again upsetting you and others. Weak minded people can descend into bad habits effortlessly.
Accordingly, tough-minded people can be taught to make good habits at will. Habits can be made at will by concentration. The technique for destroying habits is by concentrating on the brain cells during meditation or when you are in silence. Concentrate at the third eye or the point between the eyebrows and intensely affirm that all the grooves of bad habits are being erased and destroyed. You should also be more cautious of the kind of company you keep and who you are living with. When you become more advanced spiritually you will notice you are more sensitive, sharp and energetic.