The image above is it right? This basic image is for the beginner.
Asking for the sale is a good time management tool when you ask for it at the proper time. Timing is everything. What does that mean? To have timing work the pro looks and feels if the body signs are there and goes forward with the close. Most sales people have a small fear of rejection asking for the sale but in doing so at the proper time gives you other options besides saving you time. Always ask for the sale when you are selling an inexpensive item; you do not wait for them to buy as this could be a real waste of time when dealing with small or inexpensive items. If you get a no, all your options are now open to you for what you can do next. You can put your customer on hold by saying, “think it over for a few moments and I will come right back to you.” In the meantime look around for more customers.
Do not let the sales floor manipulate you; you have to learn how to manipulate the sales floor. You can apply this closing as a last resort, “take the product home for 30 or 60 days and try it and if you change your mind just bring it in and get your money back.” It is not good opening the door for returns but if you need the sale go ahead and do that. There are customers that abuse return policies and play the system. This is why you must use this closing only as a last resort, as mentioned above…