This is what you have to learn. Keep it simple, know product knowledge and your competitor’s product knowledge. For example if you’re working in a retail store all customers want to know the same thing:
Does it work?
Is it the best available?
Can I get it cheaper someplace else?
Should I wait for a newer version to come out?
How long will it last?
They won’t tell you this but this is what most customers think along these lines. An objection coming from a customer is not really an objection, it is only a question. Listen without interruption and be spontaneous and sincere in your answer to gain the trust of your customer. To be spontaneous you must have product knowledge and to be sincere you must have character. You always want to be as brief as possible answering objections in selling. You never want to be too wordy or too technical. Customers are not interested in bits and bytes. Get to the point in the proper manner and you will close your sales faster. You will also be able to go on to the next customer and that is proper time management. Practice this without fail and you will soon realize that turning an objection into a sale is very satisfying.
Listen without interruption and listen to the whole objection without cutting your customer off or they will think you are not listening to them. If the objection is about getting a better price or product from your competitor, knowing about your competitors products is very important as it establishes you as being a product expert. It also builds a rapport similar to a teacher with a student, or a parent with a child. Now you may be turning an objection into a sale by gaining their confidence. Know your product inside out, especially the ones you sell all the time. If you are asked a question about a product and you sidestep or do not know the answer, the customer immediately loses confidence in you.
Remember, do not lie or knock your competitors’ products. You want to establish that there is no comparison between stores or products. But what do you do when your competitors’ price is less. You price match or lower your price just a little to save the sale and win a customer. The exception to this rule of price matching is that you do not price match with a membership store or the Internet. Explain to your customer that buying on the Internet can be more risky because if he is not happy with the product, it can be time consuming and difficult to return the item to get his money back. Shipping back and forth can also get expensive.
Make sure customers understand that when buying at a membership store they will get poor customer service or none at all and when making a return, they will have to stand in long lines. Assure them that you will make their buying experience a breeze and that they will have better customer service and problem free returns.